Post-Holiday Blues? 5 Tips To Feel Better About Going Back To Work #FeelItToBelieveIt
What’s better than going on a trip?
Obviously, the few days prior to that when you can put updates and messages like ‘The mountains are calling’, ‘Beach-Therapy’ etc. to make everyone jealous about yourself. But, the all-time low awaits right after the holidays are over. Imagine you’re back home, sulking through an evening sitting by your yet-to-be-unpacked suitcase and thinking about the dreading number of unread mails and pile of to-do lists.
Plotting up a full-proof excuse to skip office the next day? Stop. You can’t keep on postponing your date of joining, neither can you lie unproductive for the coming days. We’re here with 5 tips to help you with the post-holiday blues and cut down on the stress.
1. Stop Pretending

Know this for a fact that the holidays are over. There’s no two ways about it. You can’t sit at your desk, close your eyes, and indulge in the reminiscence of ‘this is what I was doing two days ago in this time’. Daydreaming will only hurt you back.
2. Stay Focused

A little determination goes a long way in putting you back on track. Put in more efforts than usual to ensure that you hit the office early, plan your day in advance and complete your tasks within a stipulated time. Keep away from procrastination and try to beat the clock.
3. Don’t be Too Hard on Yourself

However, don’t overdo it on the self-determination part and set goals that are impossible to attend. The best practice will be to give yourself a couple of days as a buffer to adjust to the changed weather, altitude, and environment. If possible, don’t take on projects that are tough on the first day.
4. Keep a Reminder of the Good-Times

Carry an essence of the last visited place in the form of a token or souvenir. This will remind you of the times that you enjoyed while on vacation. Stick travel photographs on the walls of your cubicle. If your office has a more formal décor policy, you can opt for desk-top showpieces.
5. Keep Yourself Comfortable at Work

This is applicable both physically and mentally. You can call up a co-worker the day before to have an idea of what took place in your absence. This will help you to gauge what to expect. Also, wear clothes that will keep you comfortable while getting you back into the ‘zone’. Try this chic maxi dress from Vajor, or this smart kurta from Melange.
Clothes that come in pop hues and soft, fluid fabrics can keep the mundaneness away at work. Opt for a soft, fluid fabric like LIVA to help you stride into your workplace flaunting that post-holiday glow.
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